Tours Cuenca Ecuador certainly is a must see while in Ecuador, it´s a beautiful city from any point of view turistically, historically, arquitectonically, that´s why also is another cultural heritage city declared by UNESCO, not only has one catedral but two! You can spend days getting around Cuenca, with its mansions, houses with a clear French style that talks about its glorious past, its wealth, history, cultural legacy.

Among the characteristic of this city is the use of marble, tin work, tile roofs, beautiful ornated balconies, amazing decorated facades, peaceful squares and plazas, Cuenca is blessed with 4 rivers that gives special flavor and lanscape to the city.

Here is one of the two places where the wrongly named “Panama Hats” are made. There´s a Good number of places to see it, and even museums dedicated to this topic, and learn the history and why was one of the major income of the city and its inhabitants.

The colorful markets of the city are really worth it! All the wonderful produce, that will recall your attention, such as fruits, tubers, vegetables, herbs, foods, even meals.
Handcrafts here are part of this town, which includes: gold and silver jewelry but also filigree. Embroidries, pottery, ceramics, tin work, leather, weavings, basketweavings, shawls, and much more, we can see the beauty of all these at the crafts museum of CIDAP
Do you want to try local cuisine?…well you have so many choices, of excellent restaurants, cafeterías, coffee shops, bars, with traditional cuisine that includes dishes made of corn, potatoes, trout, pork, chicken and many more delicasies.

Lodging is not a problem, we have such elegant, grandeur homes very sophisticated old mansions, and home turned into hotels, where you´ll be transferred to the glorious past of Tours Cuenca Ecuador.
The cultural part offers several museums of different types like historical, religious, art, modern art and its famous biennal, including some Inca remains at Pumapungo and its museums, and a wonderful botanical park.

Let us show you this magnificent city in 2, 3, 4 or even more days that you won´t ever forget the visit to this hidden treasure of Cuenca tours Ecuador.

WRITE ME and visit this magical place

Cuenca, Ecuador – March 3, 2019: Low angle view of new cathedral in Cuenca city against blue sky and large group of people around.